Let’s face it, we all want to be more successful. Retail revenue can be a great way to make extra money for the business and yourself. Retail sales can be increased significantly when promotions are implemented properly. Estheticians commonly make 5–15% on retail sales, which doesn’t seem significant. However, with some focus, an increase in retail sales can be lucrative.
Cleansing the skin is an essential part of a skin care regimen for all skin types and conditions; using the right product is equally important. Clients suffering from acne are often not cleansing properly, which could be due to the various advertisements promoting harsh cleansers and tools that could cause more harm than good. The following are five common myths and truths associated with acne-prone skin and cleansing.
Peels are one of the most useful tools in a skin care professional's arsenal, but they must be used correctly to ensure not only efficacy but also safety. Listed here are five ways to modify a peel to safely increase skin care efficacy.
In today’s esthetic industry, if you aren’t learning, you're falling behind. With a multitude of resources, learning about esthetics is easier than ever. With online classes, tradeshows and more, there are many resources to consider whenlooking to improve your resume.
Acne is a stubborn skin disorder for many, and there are several ways to treat it. Here are five ways to prevent breakouts from occurring before they begin.
As one of the first places that clients see aging, the eye area is a common problem area. Reducing the appearance of aging in this area can be difficult, but is common, and prevention goes a long way. Below are the top five treatments that can benefit the eye area.
Masks are a staple for an esthetician’s toolbox. They are most commonly used as the last step in a treatment protocol to deliver vital nutrients, rehydrate, exfoliate and/or purify the skin. Below are five types of masks that clients will love.
Microcurrent (MC) is popular not only in medical offices, but also in medical spas and day spas. It can stand alone as a treatment or be easily added as an adjunct to other skin care services including facials, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, microneedling and oxygen treatments. This article will take a look at the skin care benefits of MC, but first it will take a deeper dive into the human body’s own electricity and how outside electric current can interact with human cells.
Cellulite is a common concern for clients, as it is estimated to affect at least 85% of women. It is most commonly seen as a dimpled or lumpy appearance on the thighs and buttocks, although other areas including the stomach, hips, and even arms can also be effected.
As the demand forlaser treatmentsincrease, so does the demand for qualified professionals. Following these five steps could be the difference between a safe or harmful treatment as well as an effective or non-effective treatment.
"Microneedling is a procedure that was originally developed to create a wound response in the skin to stimulate collagen production, hence the term collagen induction therapy (CIT). Before this column discusses the regulation surrounding it, we will first look into its history..."
"The truth is that several methods of exfoliation can be indicated for one particular concern or condition, so the best decisions are often made following a few basic steps..."